Aspen needs to address drug, depression problem

When you first look at our school district, you see a very passionate group of students who are learning and trying to make a life for themselves out in the world. But, when you start to dig deeper, you see depression and drugs and suffering by these kids. I want to change that.

I think that drug abuse should be highly looked into by our City Council and what it is doing to our beautiful home and community. I want to bring some recognition to the problem, and find a way to stop this drug abuse, such as therapy, detox and social interaction but also make it so it makes a lasting impact. People, first of all, should always have 911 or an opioid hotline number saved on their phone if they are or know someone who is on drugs. People also should try to find people who care and do things that make them happy by going to festivals and social gatherings and spend time with people that influence good choices so that they don’t get lonely and turn to drugs.

These kids deserve a chance to make choices that will impact them in ways so much better than drugs. They deserve to find happiness in things that will not leave them in a frenzy of addiction and depression.

Molly McManus


via:: The Aspen Times