Aspen students to march against gun violence

My name is Mia Wells, and I am an eighth-grader at Aspen Middle School. I am in a class called integrated language arts, and we have to pick a social justice topic to work on fixing throughout the school year.

I decided to choose school shootings and gun violence because I think it is a necessary and a new uprising problem that America has had since the Columbine shooting in 1999. School shooting fatalities have only gone up since the Columbine shooting in 1999. It almost seems that the government is purposely not doing anything about it.

On March 14, it will be a year-and-month anniversary of the Parkland school shooting in Florida. Beckham Nettleton, Nick Hearn and I will be hosting a March for Our Lives event to fight for our right to end gun violence and put school shootings to an end. We will not be talking about how guns should be banned, but rather the other ways to stop gun violence without causing chaos between people of different beliefs. I along with Beckham, a student named Evelyn Stefli, and others will be giving peaceful speeches about our ideas for the future.

We would like you to join the march to get supporters of all ages involved and help us fight for what’s right. Join us at the front of the Aspen Middle School at 3:30 p.m. March 14 to march from the school to Paepcke Park, or join us in the park.

Mia Wells


via:: The Aspen Times