Aspen Times columnist misfires in Lift One criticism

In response to Roger Marolt’s article alleging a “sucker punch” associated with the Lift One Corridor, I reflect on my own naval service and find that he is way off the mark (“A sucker punch needs to be answered with a knockout,” commentary, Feb. 1, The Aspen Times).

My experience in the Navy was to be alert, watch the details and avoid surprises.

The contribution of city funds to a public museum celebrating our important skiing past was hardly unseen, unknown or a surprise.

It was publicly identified as an element of the corridor project from early in the process as a public contribution to a public benefit.

It was discussed in public hearings and dialog among council members and staff.

Indeed, the corridor is the response to a directive from City Council to “find a way” to bring the lift back to town — it was a public, city initiative.

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And it is “our museum” — the community’s — not “their museum,” as Roger stated, alluding to developer interests.

It is being built as one of many public benefits, will be owned by the Historical Society and is to the benefit of the entire community.

In the Navy, you learn that things work best when all contribute and all benefit.

And you learn to pay attention throughout the process.

James DeFrancia


via:: The Aspen Times