Aspen will prosper with Skippy Mesirow

This is why I think you ought to vote for my dear friend Skippy Mesirow:

Skippy can’t sit still. Literally, he’s immune to inertia. His professional track record reflects this in many ways. He’s been involved in numerous efforts that protect the best Aspen offers. And others that create novel strategies that keep it generative.

At first glance, Skippy’s passion for traveling the globe looks like he might have the “travel bug.” Really his travels reflect a voracious appetite for learning about and connecting with all walks of life. He has a penchant for inclusiveness. He listens with his heart.

His actions speak. His past behaviors predict future behaviors. A vote for Skippy is placing the city you love in the hands of a driven, communal, curious and smart candidate. Please vote for my dear friend.

Jerome Burt II

Nashville, Tennessee

via:: The Aspen Times