Aspen’s traffic problem solved

If you have been in Aspen this summer, you probably noticed the traffic backup coming into town all morning long. Well, I think to solve the issue we should persuade Snowmass Village to build another 5,000 units; they don’t care. Sell them to people who buy there, but really want to be in Aspen.

Next, we build a toll road and new bridge across Marolt and Castle Creek, two lanes one-way east. Charge $20. Aspen residents can buy a year pass, employers can buy a carpool pass for employees, with a dedicated lane and portal for pass holders and the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority. The S-curve and old Castle Creek bridge would be one-way west, no toll. The 5,000 extra units would assure the economic vitality of the tollway. Just dream of the parking revenue too!

Edward Sanditen


via:: The Aspen Times