Beware of reckless driver

I would like to praise and thank Officer Curt Donaldson of the Basalt Police Department for his time and kindness in assisting me after my hit-and-run accident around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday in front of the Roaring Fork Club.

His professionalism and thoughtfulness was most welcoming as I was a bit shaken up, as one can imagine, but very lucky to be here. The driver of the silver SUV with an out-of-state license plate was speeding by me, swerved into the left turn lane and changed his mind and swerved into my car with such speed; it sent my car across all the three lanes of oncoming traffic lanes. Luckily I managed to steer into the driveway of the Roaring Fork Club without getting hit again.

If anyone witnessed this, please contact the Basalt Police Department as this driver needs to be taught a lesson before he kills someone.

Margi Crawford


via:: The Aspen Times