Brats, yes. Monster development on Aspen Mountain, no

Saturday’s giveaway proved that lines and vibrancy can be had for free food, as anyone who stood in the free food line for the Lift One proposal demonstrated. Sounds to me that Aspen Skiing Co. could save a lot of money and a lot of controversy just by having a surprise giveaway day once a week. And far, far less pollution, less traffic congestion and, perhaps most importantly, less polarization of Aspen’s voters.

Just think of the benefits: no Gorsuch Haus needed, no zoning change of questionable legality required. No thousands of dump truck loads of the detritus of excavation. No deep dig on our very fragile slopes — remember the 1980s and mud slides? And the view up the street from would be unpolluted, as well. Of course, the current unacceptable time of the mess and inconvenience of construction would vanish.

And hey, Mike Kaplan (CEO, Skico) would be lauded as a hero once again!

Just remember John D. Rockefeller, who used to give away dimes to passersby to soften his image.

Am I kidding? Only sorta! Just pass me a brat.

Alex Biel

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via:: The Aspen Times