Building foundations with Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club

Growing up as a member of the ski team at Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club, I always knew I was a part of something special, but I now realize how lucky I was.

I’m grateful for the community of lifelong friends that I have gained and can laugh about our years of skiing, traveling and growing up together. More than just going fast on skis, I learned to love the outdoors, my team, my competitors and the beauty of skiing. Being involved with the club also taught me how to be disciplined, accountable and a part of a team, which helped position me for success, especially while interviewing for jobs after graduating college. Being able to discuss my experiences with the club and the opportunities presented to me was invaluable.

I’m so happy to have a father who is committed to the ski community in Aspen and thankful to everyone at AVSC for all of their hard work and for making sure that everyone gets the opportunity to make lasting memories like I did.

Chandler Stapleton


via:: The Aspen Times