Business Monday briefs: Aspen gets high Moody’s rating; ACRA to hold guest-training seminars

Aspen gets high Moody’s rating

The city of Aspen announced last week it received the strongest credit rating possible from Moody’s, “an impressive designation that most municipalities do not achieve,” according to a statement.

“The city’s strong financial policies and practices, healthy reserves, long-range fiscal outlook and planning efforts helped the city achieve this rating,” said city Finance Director Pete Strecker in a statement. “This, along with our consistent trend of positive revenue collections, all contributed to this upgrade.”

The Moody’s report noted Aspen’s large affluent tax base, world-renowned tourist destination, strong financial management with strategic focus, and low fixed costs and lack of pension liability as a reason for the upgrade over the city’s previous rating in March.

ACRA to hold guest-training seminars

The Aspen Chamber Resort Association will offer two guest-service training seminars May 30 at Limelight Hotel. The first one runs from 8 a.m. to noon and the second from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Sessions will be lead by Stacey Geyer, who specializes in sales, leadership and customer service.

The workshop is being designed and delivered by Master Connection Associates, an international training and development company specializing in hospitality.

RVSP to Claire at 970-920-7131. The first three employees of a business will be admitted free. Each additional member is $25.

via:: The Aspen Times