Carbondale Arts Director Amy Kimberly to be honored with Colorado ‘Creatives’ award

Amy Kimberly, executive director for Carbondale Arts
Mark Burrows

Amy Kimberly of Carbondale has been selected to receive the 2019 Governor’s Creative Leadership Award, given by the Colorado Creative Industries (CCI), a division of the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade.

The executive director for Carbondale Arts the past several years, Kimberly is one of three people to be honored with the award.

“It was a huge surprise when I was alerted that I had won. I had no idea my staff had submitted my name,” Kimberly said.

The Governor’s Creative Leadership Awards honor community members who have “demonstrated a significant commitment to Colorado’s creative landscape through civic leadership and volunteerism including advocacy, vision, collaboration and innovation.”

CCI Director Margaret Hunt said, “This award seeks out those that are providing selfless service within the creative sector in Colorado, and inspires others by honoring their process and celebrating achievements.”

According to Rachel Manning, operations manager and public relations at Carbondale Arts, Amy was nominated by the Carbondale Arts board of directors and Carbondale Arts staff for her “ability to envision new futures through the arts, her dedication and commitment to Carbondale and Colorado’s creative landscape through civic leadership and volunteerism, as well a being a consistent community leader through her advocacy, vision, collaboration and innovation.”

In the words of the Carbondale Arts board, “Amy is the dreamer and the architect of communal activities through art spaces that bring the people of Carbondale together.”

“Like any person that needs to create, you just have to do it, whether it’s music, 2-D art, sculpture, or in my case the opportunities I see to bring community together around art,” Kimberly said.

“It’s almost like I have no choice; I see a path forward that is authentic and true to the community that I live in,” she said. “So I just have to try to bring those opportunities for others to take — I work from a more instinctual place, I’m just lucky these instincts really lead to a greater whole for everybody.”

Kimberly and the other two recipients will receive their awards and be honored at an awards luncheon on May 17 in Salida, in conjunction with the eighth annual Creative Industries Summit

Winners will receive an original work of art created by Salida artist Brice Turnbull.

“I don’t do any of it alone. Everything I do is a collaborative work in progress, and I especially work deeply with my staff,” Kimberly added. “I feel that they are as much part of this award, and deserve it as much as I do.”

via:: The Aspen Times