Christmas Tidings

“Happy Aspenites will have a glad Christmas,” declared the Aspen Tribune on Dec. 15, 1895. “To talk about hard times and the slump in silver is all well enough, but the people of Aspen care nothing for such matters. Here in the fastness of the mountains that are outputting silver in large quantities everybody is happy. It is the season of the year when all rejoice. It is Christmas time and peace on earth reigns. Skies are bright and were it not for the blanket of snow covering mountain and valley one could imagine himself in the tropics. The palm trees and orange groves are not missed for the fruits are visible in the stores of the merchant. It will be a bounteous Christmas and Santa Claus will have most abundant stocks to select from.” The image above shows a young girl sitting with her toys by a Christmas tree, circa 1900.

This photo and more can be found in the Aspen Historical Society archives at

via:: The Aspen Times