Colorado Mountain College raises red flags with Skadron hiring

Colorado Mountain College should put out a job submission request, published nationally and managed by a professional executive search firm, before CMC hands a top job — a deanship — to the highly controversial and widely unpopular, unpopular at least within the local business community, to the outgoing Aspen mayor, Steve “Sayonara” Skadron.

As virtually all of us in the business community know, Skadron has been an anti-business, left-wing ideologue. To us business owners it would be unimaginable that Skadron would win a deanship at CMC through a nationally competitive, objective process.

We citizens must demand that a nationally competitive, objective and transparent process be followed before awarding any top government job like a deanship at CMC. Liberal bureaucrats at CMC obviously short-circuited this standard.

It would appear that Skadron got an under-the-table, sweetheart deal from unaccountable liberal bureaucrats who want to grease the skids to take CMC on a leftward lurch. We citizens should demand that CMC rescind this premature job offer. We citizens should demand that a proper candidate-vetting process take place and that the job position be made accessible to all applicants across the United States. Let the best man or woman be offered the job.

Let’s think this through one step further. What’s to lose? Let Skadron compete with the hundreds of other applicants for this choice position, this top government job. This is what Aspen is doing with its search for its new city manager. We citizens must demand that CMC do the same.

Otherwise, the rational conclusion is obvious. CMC’s liberal bureaucrats are turning their institution of higher learning into a liberal indoctrination camp.

John Hornblower

Snowmass Village

via:: The Aspen Times