Concerns about Lift One

In light of the impending vote Tuesday, first off I want to say that I am in favor of the current Lift One proposal, as I think it will be good for the revitalization of the Lift One corridor.

However, I am concerned about the status of the volleyball courts at Willoughby Park. I believe in the original Lift One approvals that the developers were admonished to replace the courts. To lose those courts could severely impact one of Aspen’s iconic, long-standing traditional events — The MotherLode Volleyball Classic.

I think if the Lift One proposal is approved, and the Dolinsek Property becomes a park, the combination of the sand courts and the adjoining brothers’ property would make a nice open space amenity without having to remove the sand courts.

I don’t think that the property should become a ski museum. As an example, the much more infamous Colorado Ski Museum in Vail struggles to make ends meet even though it is in an extremely accessible area. Today’s skiers, for the most part, are interested in skiing but not in the history of skiing. I hope that the sand courts will remain.

Leon Fell


via:: The Aspen Times