Cooperation essential among emergency agencies

It is apparent to this one who had spent many years in the emergency management trade that something akin to a Standardized Emergency Management System is missing or inoperative in the area’s approach to fire emergencies (“Area public safety leaders: Aspen Fire chief’s comments, approach are a problem,” Sept. 30, The Aspen Times).

One of the most terrifying and extreme examples of lack of a coordinated approach was the 9/11 tragedy during which the Incident Command System was not employed. Cooperation between public safety agencies is imperative these days especially. FEMA Institute offers courses to help install a working mutual aid system for emergency response to a wide field of incidents.

The Pitkin County administration should insist that a workable system be installed, proven through intense exercises and corrected to keep up with change.

Carleton Cronin

West Hollywood

via:: The Aspen Times