Council raises tobacco, e-cigarette purchasing age to 21 in Snowmass

Snowmass Town Council approved raising the age to 21 to buy and possess cigarettes and electronic smoking devices.
Anna Stonehouse/Snowmass Sun

Snowmass Town Council approved by a unanimous vote to raise the age to 21 to buy and possess cigarettes and electronic smoking devices.

On second reading, the council thanked Police Chief Brian Olson for his work with the ordinance, which will go into effect later this month.

Those younger than 21 who try to buy or possess tobacco and e-cig products will face fines of $50 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense and $300 for the third time. Business caught selling to those younger than 21 face fines from $1,000 to $2,650.

Mayor Markey Butler said she would next like to look at adding a tobacco tax, which would have to go to a general vote, as well as limiting the flavored products. Aspen voters said “yes” in 2017 to a $3 per pack tax and the council currently is considering banning flavored products.

“I’m interested in what is happening over there,” Councilwoman Alyssa Shenk said of Aspen’s proposed ban.

via:: The Aspen Times