Drunk drivers snarl rush hour

Two day drinkers snarled Aspen’s evening traffic Tuesday after causing car accidents, police said Wednesday.

The first accident occurred at 5:25 p.m., when Katharine Guimond, 34, of Aspen hit another vehicle on the Castle Creek Bridge, said Aspen police Sgt. Rob Fabrocini. Details of the incident were not available Wednesday, though Guimond was charged with DUI, careless driving and following too closely.

The second crash happened at 6:48 p.m., when Jarrett Workman, 30, of Eagle County crashed his Toyota truck into a light pole at Fourth and Main streets, Fabrocini said. Workman smelled of alcohol, slurred his speech and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or both, Fabrocini said.

Workman failed roadside sobriety tests and was arrested for DUI, possession of a controlled substance, careless driving and driving with no proof of insurance. The substance was an unspecified prescription drug, and Workman admitted he was taking pain killers for a work-related injury, Fabrocini said.

via:: The Aspen Times