Financial corruption continues

A thousand millions equals 1 billion. In 2017, America spent $58 billion for education, another $70 billion for vets and $310 billion for interest on our national debt. Imagine what $310 billion — every year — could do for our beloved country.

Why imagine? We need not pay a penny of interest when we issue our currency! For half our history, America simply printed debt-free currency. Lincoln used “greenback” interest-free dollars to win the Civil War. It is only when a central bank (the Fed) exists that interest on dollars created is created.

Although Thomas Jefferson swore a central bank is the single greatest threat to our liberty, the battle rages this very instant. The Fed, an integral component of the “Deep State,” realizes that “We, the People” terminated two prior central banks and is determined to remain a top predator in the swamp. Corruption is the only logical explanation for never being audited.

Bubbles and bubbling bigger bubbles, depressions, inflation, zero-interest rates, no banking oversight and then the Fed secretly sold $16 trillion of bonds to mitigate the worldwide financial crisis it, itself, caused in 2008.

A trillion is a thousand billions. Sixteen in secret is the all-time American scandal; however, it was hidden by a private cartel of bankers who gained control as darkness fell, after opposition had naively left Washington for Christmas in 1913 and who have dominated our nation ever since. Where is the MSM and will Donald Trump end their reign?

Will Kesler

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via:: The Aspen Times