Garden pug beats out pup in cup for Aspen Times’ cutest pet pic

A pug in chillin’ in the garden beat out a pup in a cup in this year’s annual Aspen Times cutest pet photo contest.

Mack the pug relaxing in a flower bed picked up 158 votes of the 1,574 votes cast in this year’s contest. Coming in second was Minnow curled up in a cup, which got 74 votes.

There were 206 photos submitted this year, and more than 900 people participated.

Mack’s owner won a $150 gift certificate to Jimmy’s American Restaurant and Bar, and Minnow’s human won a 60-minute massage at Jean-Robert’s Gym.

While more than half were from Colorado, 40% came from California to Massachusetts, according to the Times’ advertising and marketing staff.

via:: The Aspen Times