grand opening

“Aspen Grand Opening,” declared The Aspen Times on Jan. 9, 1947. “Business and political leaders and winter sports enthusiasts from all corners of the country will converge here next weekend for the celebration which will launch the one-time fabulous silver camp as a major year-round recreational, residential and business development. Reservations at the restored Hotel Jerome and cottages and skiers’ dormitories, for the three-day program which will include the formal opening of ‘the longest ski tow in the world,’ have been received from New York, Washington D.C., Connecticut, Chicago, Omaha, Montana, and California, Manager Charles Bishop of the Jerome reported today. The ski lift and other winter sports facilities will be opened formally Saturday morning. Ski jumping and slalom contests, in which such famous skiers as Friedl Pfeifer and Dick Durrance will take part, are scheduled for Saturday afternoon. There will be an exhibition of night skiing later, and a ball at the Hotel Jerome.”

The image at right shows the crowd gathered for the grand opening ceremonies at Lift One, Jan. 11, 1947.

This photo and more can be found in the Aspen Historical Society archives at

via:: The Aspen Times