Gullible Americans we are

If last week you jumped for joy, believing Donald was toast, quick, call your psychotherapist as these are acute symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This is a serious malady as it weakens common sense, impairing the ability of many to think rationally while fostering hatred, the worst disease ever, to plague mankind.

Last week Buzzfeed reported that Trump ordered his lawyer to lie to Congress. Victims of TDS immediately accepted this as gospel, as usual, and called for yet another investigation, surely leading to impeachment. This “fake news” went viral, mass hysteria based on propaganda manufactured by the same “journalists” who also released the discredited Steele Dossier.

Hysteria was encouraged by the establishment, the Democratic leadership and the MSM who parrotted the story without any due diligence. Except it backfired and exposed TDS to a frightening degree. The derangement is so real, so out of control, that America was promptly thrown into a tizzy by second-rate propaganda. It has reached such epidemic proportion that Robert Mueller and company, sensing a dangerously unstable situation, in a statement without precedent, called bulls— on Buzzfeed.

There are numerous reasons to battle Trump and numerous issues to champion — grab hold of climate change, spying on citizens, the military industrial complex, the New World Order verses sovereign nations, poverty, fluoride in our water, etc.

Hatred is derangement and the flimsy hoax of “Russiagate” is covering up … oh so much that needs to be done if America is to survive.

Will Kesler

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via:: The Aspen Times