Heritage Fire puts on another successful Snowmass event, record attendance

The popularity of Heritage Fire continues to grow and this year there were a record number of tickets sold.

The Saturday evening event during the Food & Wine Classic weekend drew about 800-900 people, and the event has established itself in Snowmass and within the Classic, Snowmass Tourism director Rose Abello said Monday night at the Snowmass Village Town Council.

She said the operations are better each year, from the logistics at the base of the Village Express lift to the free shuttle from Aspen to the Snowmass event.

“I don’t see that event going anywhere,” Abello said. “It has become one of the most sought after tickets of the Food & Wine weekend, which is kind of what we wanted going in.”

The event moved to Snowmass in 2015 and this year had a new organizer, Abello said.

“I think they’re happy,” she said of the new group. “I think the chefs are happy.”

via:: The Aspen Times