Hidden gems at Aspen Thrift Shop’s Art Sale

2019 marks the 70th birthday of the Aspen Thrift Shop. As part of our celebrations, we look forward to making the sixth annual Art Sale, Saturday, July 20 at the Red Brick Center for the Arts, the most successful ever!

The Art Sale is truly an exciting and fun treasure hunt with a tremendous variety of donated art and collectibles. All items are researched for value and priced to sell. The event is an excellent way to give back to our community. Proceeds benefit over 150 valley nonprofits and provide college scholarships for graduating seniors.

We encourage all valley residents and gallery owners to consider donating special art, jewelry, posters, and silver. We are interested in Aspen memorabilia, couture clothing, vintage items and more.

All donations are welcome and arrangement for pick up is possible. Please email art@aspenthriftshop.org or call Katherine Sand, 970-948-5128.

Ellen Walbert

Co-president, Aspen Thrift Shop board

via:: The Aspen Times