History: Snowmass gets bold

The Aspen Times on Dec. 21, 1972 captioned an early season clinic with “learning methods to teach the blind to ski recently were 24 ski instructors from the Aspen Ski School and the Aspen Highlands Ski School. The Blind Skiing Instructor Clinic was held in connection with the Aspen Lions Club BOLD (Blind Outdoor Leisure Development) program. Jean Eymere, blind Aspen skier and head of Aspen Lions, demonstrated blind skiing. Then the instructors took turns being blindfolded and teaching each other. Co-directors of the program are Ed Lucks and Jean Eymere, assisted by Muriel Frei, Gail Preusch and Jack Schuss. The senior class of the Colorado School of the Blind in Colorado Springs plans to come to Aspen in January for ski instruction under the program.”

via:: The Aspen Times