If you collapse it, they won’t come

Northern California residents live in pre-industrial conditions (no power) because decades of lefty policies loaded up PG&E with unaffordable renewable energy requirements while rates were insufficient to maintain infrastructure. The Oct. 11 Aspen Times’ report on the Castle Creek bridge reveals years of lefty policies in Aspen have created a similar situation here.

According to the report, the bridge can’t be paved properly because the weight of pavement might collapse the bridge. Collapse the bridge!? Policies designed to make it hard to enter Aspen by car gave us a dilapidated bridge that can’t be paved properly. Sane people long ago would have replaced the bridge with a new four-laner to relieve congestion.

Just let the bridge collapse. Then you won’t have to worry about too many visitors in town.

Maurice Emmer


via:: The Aspen Times