Jazz Aspen Honor Band and Choir to perform Saturday

Over 80 student jazz musicians from 11 schools across the Western Slope will gather in Carbondale Feb. 8 and 9 for the 2019 JAS District 8 Honor Jazz Program, sponsored by Jazz Aspen Snowmass.

Taking place at Roaring Fork High School, this annual event includes two days of intensive jazz training, workshops, and rehearsals, led by professional musicians and educators of such programs as the Colorado Conservatory for the Jazz Arts, Colorado Mesa University, the University of Northern Colorado, and the University of Colorado.

On Saturday from 5-7pm the students will showcase their skills in a free public performance at Roaring Fork High. Divided into four bands and one choir group, the students come from middle and high Schools throughout the Roaring Fork Valley, Rifle, New Castle, Palisade, Eagle/Vail, Summit County, Steamboat Springs and elsewhere.

“The Honor Jazz program is a high-level opportunity for students to play with other motivated students from across the Western Slope and get instruction from university jazz Instructors,” Chris Bank, JAS In-Schools director, said in an annoucnement. “Many of these schools don’t have jazz in the curriculum so it’s a great introduction to a different kind of music than what they experience in concert band.”

via:: The Aspen Times