Kemo Sabe is no Paradise

I found it infuriating reading Wendy Kunkle’s (president of Kemo Sabe) letter to the editor on Monday, comparing her commercial situation to that of Paradise Bakery’s, and having the audacity to say, “They can reinvent themselves much like Kemo Sabe did.” (“Paradise Bakery controls its destiny,” The Aspen Times)

Forget infuriating — it made me want to throw up! Kemo Sabe is a wonderful, successful and unique business. Good for you, Wendy, and fortunately for you, there were several locations in the core suitable for your continued success. But who are you protecting? Your landlord, present or future? Blowing smoke up the asses of your dedicated staff? Your location was not the heart and soul and gathering place for locals and tourists alike.

Jim Polep


via:: The Aspen Times