Kudos and Kindness from Aspen Times readers (Dec. 23, 2018)

A salute to Dr. William Mitchell

I was so sad to see that Dr. Mitchell will no longer be practicing. I find it hard to accept that he was not offered a part-time position in a practice that he started. I worked for Dr. Mitchell for over a decade; he was the best employer who I have ever had.

He was beyond giving to his patients. He handed out his private home number and cell number so the parents of patients could call him during the night if they had a sick child. This was so helpful to new parents, who were often concerned about a newborn or toddler.

He would meet them at the hospital and many times at their homes at all hours. Many of his patients who outgrew his practice would still see him as young adults because they loved him so much. He was the epitome of a doctor. He was compassionate, non-judgmental, available 24/7 and the best physician.

He gave so much to the community, and he will be missed. I wish him the best for his retirement; he has a lot of catching up to do in the fun department.

Heidi Wirth-Johns

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A new glow in Snowmass Village

Last weekend our family took a “stay-cation” and spent the weekend at the new Limelight at Snowmass.

The jam-packed festivities throughout Base Village and the mall made for quite the weekend. New shops and restaurants opening, including The Collective, the kick-off of the Bud Light HiFi Concert Series and a skating spectacular on the new, beautiful outdoor rink showcasing a mix of locals and past Olympians. Oh, yeah, the skiing was pretty great, too.

The Limelight was welcoming, their amenities first-class and General Manager Lindsay Cagley and her entire staff — including Dusty and Joe at the front desk and Stephanie in the restaurant — went above and beyond to accommodate everyone, including our golden retriever.

Thanks for a great weekend!

Dyke and Sara Shaw


Unsung heroes

• Mary Woulfe, being named the 3A Coach of the Year after guiding the Aspen High School golf team to their first state championship. Mary does not get enough credit for coaching these kids, both athletically and on a personal level. I, for one, appreciate it.

• Gideon Kaufman for his eloquent words at the county commissioner meeting in asking them to vote against the Crystal River Valley trail. Did you notice that the two who did grew up here?

• The postal employees who are working six days a week (maybe seven), 10 to 12 hours a day delivering the number of unprecedented packages.(I’m sure UPS and FedEx are in the same position).

A huge thank-you to all.

Ruth Harrison


Thrift Shop gives a helping hand

Every month volunteers of the Aspen Thrift Shop meet to continue to accomplish our mission: to make grants to nonprofit organizations in the Roaring Fork Valley. We are grateful to community members who continue to support our efforts by donating and purchasing gently used clothing and household items.

For the month of December, we are pleased to announce the following recipients: Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, Aspen Community School (art), Aspen Hall of Fame, Aspen Junior Hockey, Aspen Santa Fe Ballet, Aspen Words, Basalt High School (musical), Challenge Aspen, Grassroots TV, Mountain Family Health Centers, Revolutions Skating Club, Special Olympics and Youth Entity.

The ladies of the Aspen Thrift Shop

Aspen art lives at the Red Brick

I have been using the Red Brick since 1996. I have been taking classes, showing my art, and was a resident artist at the Red Brick in 2017. I am on the gallery committee. Sarah Roy is now our director. Beginner and advanced artists mingle to learn, create and play.

The Red Brick is still busy with art (www.redbrickaspen.com) and has a schedule running through the spring and into the summer.

Shows include “More than Thread,” Nov. 15 through Jan. 3; “Landscapes,” Jan. 17 through Feb. 28; and “Figures,” March 14 through April 18 (apply by Jan. 10); “Art Start” children’s show runs May 1 to 16.

There are classes for children and adults. I will be taking the Adult Watercolor, taught by Amy Beidelman, on Jan. 10, Feb. 27, March 28, April 24 and May 15.

There is figure-drawing usually Tuesday mornings. Masterpiece Mine will resume in January with some Bauhaus options.

The Red Brick is part of the upcoming Bauhaus celebration June 5 through July 18. Work of Roberts-Gray, Chris Erikson and Jo Cohorst will show July 25 through Sept. 8.

Registrations for beginners to advanced are at the Red Brick Center for the Arts (www.redbrickaspen.com).

Sue Binkley Tatem


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