Kudos and Kindness from Aspen Times readers (Feb. 10, 2019)

Bravo to the Crystal Palace Review

The Crystal Palace Review at the Wheeler Opera House on the night of Feb. 3 was a theatrical marvel. The performers, the songs, the humor and the whole spirit was a great as ever. Congratulations.

Beyond that and the philosophically, for me it was a melancholic remembrance of an extraordinary community of the ’70s and ’80s — a community that was full of love, laughter and marvelous self-satire.

Thank you all for bringing back the wonder of those extraordinary days gone by.

John McBride


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Aspen-Sopris District ranger expresses appreciation

I am relieved and excited to report that employees are back to work and the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District is getting back to the business of caring for the land and serving the many communities in and around the Roaring Fork Valley.

About 20 employees on the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District were impacted by the partial government shutdown. Over the past 35 days, many of you have personally reached out to us with offers to help and kind words of encouragement. Some organizations such as Alpine Bank, Pitkin County and Aspen Skiing Co. offered short-term loans and alternative employment, and the city of Aspen started a GoFundMe site. Thank you for stepping up to assist employees with their needs! The symbolic gesture of a yellow ribbon tied around our flagpole in Carbondale warmed our hearts. We are grateful for the outpouring of community support.

Not only did you offer our employees support, you took care of the land by leaving no trace and stewarding the White River National Forest. We also are grateful for the partner and community work that kept some of our visitor services functioning. We have great gratitude and respect for our partners, and we are so thankful for those strong partnerships we have in place to help deliver our mission.

In the coming days, we will reset our work to continue delivering the benefits and services that you all expect from us. We recognize that the partial government shutdown has impacted the important work we do. Right now, we are assessing priorities for the remainder of the year. In this endeavor, we ask for your patience and understanding. There is a lot to do to prepare for another upcoming busy spring and summer season on the most-visited national forest in the nation. This is a challenge we will lean into in the coming months.

As we continue to reconnect with you all and look ahead, we want you all to know that we are back open for business and we are honored to be serving the public again!

Karen Schroyer

District Ranger, Aspen-Sopris Ranger District


Hospital volunteers get lots of love

What a spectacular party Aspen Valley Hospital put on for the volunteers! An evening soiree at The Little Nell, complete with wine and a three-course dinner! In all my years of volunteering at the hospital, this was the loveliest volunteer-appreciation party I have ever attended. Thank you ever so much.

Trish Adam

Aspen (volunteer since 1986)

Calaway was a pillar of giving, compassion

Jim Calaway’s life celebration was one of the most humorous, intelligent and compassionate I have attended. Jim and Connie are an amazing force. I say are, because in a real way Jim’s here, in our hearts, as his giving affects our lives.

Mother Teresa said, “It is not that we give, but the love that we give with, that makes the difference.” Jim understood that, and nowhere is it clearer than with his CARE shelter.

I considered Jim to have been a developer of community and an architect of balanced society. I can only hope that his example continues to ripple out and inspire. Thanks, Jim.

John Hoffmann


Compliments go to …

Alpine Bank for offering no-interest loans to help federal workers with their bills and the county for offering to hire furloughed workers.

• Danny and Gina Phillips for loving the Krabloonik dog-sledders. Many can own and run a restaurant, but few can do what they’ve done. Let them out of the restaurant business. Their passion is better used on dogs.

Alex Ferreira, a wonderful, sweet human-being who happens to be an X Games gold medalist.

Ruth Harrison


via:: The Aspen Times