Kudos from Aspen Times’ readers, April 28, 2019

Prayer at Paepcke Park

We, John and Pam Fisher, have hosted prayer in the park for many years. We feel it is so important.

This year’s theme is “Love One Another.” Without love we cannot thrive as individuals or as a nation. It is so necessary to understand how important this is in order to have a United States of America.

There is a “humility” necessary to accomplish this.

May we suggest it be an energizing force in our lives right now. May we ask ourselves where our hearts are right now.

If we are angry or bitter at all about what is going on in our United States and worldwide, we may need to take a deep breath in of all the good that we have experienced living in the land of the free and breathe out all of the yuck — even if for a moment or a day, to see and experience how that feels again. Ahhhh!

We all may be intelligent and feel we truly know what is best, and yet we may not truly know what is in the big picture. It is hard to trust leaders who we “hate.” How do we change that?

We ask for this first Thursday in May that we lay down our pride and anger, bitterness, sadness and agenda and come humbly to Paepcke Park Gazebo between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to lay it all down and surrender and pray with others for us to love one another. That means desiring what is best for each other by choice. Love is a choice, not a feeling.

Choose to look at others with that love, even if they are different or believe differently, and see what happens in our hearts. It is sort of agreeing to disagree and not fighting a battle for the wrong reasons.

We look forward to seeing you and spending some sweet time with you May 2 in Paepcke Park.

Pam and John Fisher


A little thrift goes a long way

Every month, volunteers of the Aspen Thrift Shop meet to continue to accomplish our mission: to make grants to nonprofit organizations in the Roaring Fork Valley. We are grateful to community members who continue to support our efforts by donating and purchasing gently used clothing and household items. For the month of April, we are pleased to announce the following recipients: Access after School, CRMPI, Roaring Fork Leadership, Roaring Fork Valley Soccer Club, Roaring Fork Youth Orchestra, Science in Schools, Stepping Stones, Theater Aspen, Voices, Wildwood School and Your Friends for Life.

The Ladies of the Aspen Thrift Shop

Thanks from the Aspen Ute Foundation

Aspen Ute Foundation would like to thank everyone who contributed to make the First Pow Wow in Aspen a successful event. City of Aspen, Annabelle Inn, Mountain Chalet, St. Regis, Hotel Aspen, Aspen Square, Basalt Mountain Inn, Aspen Skiing Co., Aspen Dance Connection, City Market, Clarks Market, New York Pizza, Bonfire coffee shop, Whole Foods, KDNK and all individuals who donated funds to sponsor this amazing afternoon of indigenous culture as well as the great volunteers. Gratitude to all local businesses who donated items for our raffle, particularly to D’Angelico Guitar Shop for their generous contribution of a guitar, which was our grand prize. Special thank you goes to the Ute Indian Tribe Council members who came to show their support as well as to all the beautiful dancers, drummers, singers and vendors who came with their families to share their rich cultural and traditional ways with our community. It was a good day to honor and respect the original inhabitants of this valley, the Utes and all other tribes present!

Deanne Vitrac-Kessler

Woody Creek

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