Larissa Read has right background for Holy Cross board

Recently, Snowmass Village Town Councilman Tom Goode said, of the need for climate action: “We need to do something! And not just our municipality, but our generation. We need to lower our carbon footprints for our children and our children’s children.”

Amen, brother! Good news though: Right now we have an opportunity to do that. This week you’ll get a ballot in the mail for the Holy Cross Energy board elections. How Holy Cross continues to move forward with clean energy will do more for our emissions than any single thing we can do on our own. They are doing an almost unimaginably great job already (their goal is 70% clean energy by 2030 and I bet they beat that target), but change always requires support. While there are many good candidates on the ballot, I’m asking you to vote for Larissa Read, whose background in climate action will help Holy Cross continue its good work.

Auden Schendler


via:: The Aspen Times