Leadership experience makes Mullins most qualified

Being the mayor of Aspen will suit Ann Mulllins’ personality and temperament well. She brings her six years of experience on the council to the role of mayor, and has learned firsthand about all the city’s services, staffing and budget. She is motivated to bring City Hall into more direct contact with the community, is ready to take charge of the process to hire a new city manager, and understands clearly that the city manager is the CEO, in charge of the staff and running the city day in and out, and the mayor is the chair of the board, ergo the council, who decides on the policies and direction the city is going to take. The city manager serves at the pleasures of the Council.

Already three major affordable-housing projects are underway, which will produce hundreds of new units, and these projects have been bubbling up during her two terms as a council member, including the expansion of Burlingame.

Her leadership is critical in the period ahead, as council works expeditiously to finalize the approvals to implement the Lift One corridor plan. Ann understands the ins and outs of the plan.

She is prepared to update the City’s Climate Action Plan, which will prepare Aspen for the effects of climate change on our town and moving rapidly to get our community as close to carbon free as soon as possible.

Vote for Ann April 2.

Bill Stirling


via:: The Aspen Times