“The people want Wagner for mayor,” declared the Aspen Democrat-Times on March 15, 1911. “Next Friday evening the Democrats will hold mass primaries in the court house between the hours of 7:30 and 8:00 o’clock to select delegates to the city convention which will convene, immediately following the primaries, in the district court room. If one may judge from the line of talk it is almost a sure thing that Mayor Charles Wagner will be nominated by the Democrats to succeed himself. The people want ‘Charlie’ to steer the city craft for two more years as the town has made more improvements under his administration than any of his predecessors. Wagner built cement walks. Wagner keeps the kids home. Wagner elevated town morals. Wagner has raised hell with the bums and he has been the mayor and a good one, too! The people want Wagner!” The image at right shows Charles Wagner (second from right) with Judge Thomas Rucker, Tom Flynn and an unidentified man, circa 1910. Wagner served as mayor of Aspen from 1909 to 1927.
This photo and more can be found in the Aspen Historical Society archives at aspenhistory.org.