Legends & Legacies: Voting with conviction

“The indications are that a big vote will be poled in Aspen on Tuesday next,” asserted the Aspen Weekly Times on March 30, 1895. “The campaign is not a noisy one in which the flare of brass or the voice of the campaign orator is heard. Nevertheless, every voter in the city knows that an important election is to be held and that he is expected to cast his vote at the spring election. Last fall was a campaign of education from which the citizens of Aspen derived a lasting benefit. It aroused our people to the importance of exercising their rights as American citizens at the polls. If this country is ever to be freed from industrial slavery, from the monopolies, the corporations and the corrupt aristocracy so long favored by the old political parties, it must be through the intelligent and honest use of the ballot. The people of Aspen are behind no people in the land in intelligence and they will vote their conviction on next Tuesday.”

The image to the left shows a panoramic view of Aspen looking at Shadow Mountain, circa 1900.

This photo and more can be found in the Aspen Historical Society archives at aspenhistory.org.

via:: The Aspen Times