Let’s resurrect Aspen’s dead zone

Regarding the Lift One corridor vote 5 March, I urge all Aspen voters to vote “yes” for this proposal. It will provide a well-thought-out, long overdo and much-needed revitalization to South Aspen Street and the lower Lift One terminus.

It has been a sad decline for this part of town over the years, with the migration of the majority of Aspen Mountain skiers to the Little Nell side of the hill because of the gondola and the loss of much-loved area restaurants like the Skiers Chalet and the Chart House. The tasteful and well-thought-out plan put together by Jeff Gorsuch and others in this reimagining of the Lift One corridor is a plus for the town, a plus for the ski area and will truly make the most classic ski racing venue in North America’s relevant in the 21st century and beyond.

I find it most interesting that perhaps the most vocal pundits naysaying the Lift One plan weren’t even in Aspen when the South Aspen Street area was a vibrant and essential part of the town. Too bad you guys missed it, because it was great! And while we all know we can’t go back in time, I believe the Lift One corridor team has come up with a plan that is largely reflective of the spirit of classic Aspen and will be an inclusive, cherished and well-loved area for future Aspenites and visitors alike.

Vote “yes” for Lift One on March 5!

Jeremie Oates


via:: The Aspen Times