Letter: Patience isn’t the answer

In response to columnist Britta Gustafson’s opinion piece, titled “Postal patience,” in the March 20 edition of the Snowmass Sun: Yes, we could change our attitudes about the long lines at our post office; not see it as a hindrance, but rather as an opportunity. We could bring our yoga mats, share photos of grandchildren and conduct poetry readings, etc. This is not the answer.

The long lines and missing mail is a symptom of the problem at much higher level than our local post office. If we only address the time we spend in line, then we have become complacent and the issue will not be resolved. We must seek the attention of upper-level management, which is in Denver and beyond.

To me, learning how to be patient in line is complacency. As local educator Willard Clapper often said, “If not you, than who?”

Become informed. Read the letters to the editor and, especially, the front-page article by Erica Robbie that appeared in the March 13 edition of the Sun.

If you want to help with this issue, support your post office by lobbying for a larger facility with no less than three workers on staff at all times.

Tom Hills

Snowmass Village

via:: The Aspen Times