Lift One, let’s get it done

The Lift One plan is great and I support it.

It doesn’t solve all of the issues Aspen is facing, but it does solve some of them — namely bringing Lift One back into town, adding to our declining lodging base, and allowing us to host World Cup in the future.

When was the last time a development plan actually solved some of Aspen’s problems?

Here are some reasons to vote “yes”:

• We have one chance. Lift One Lodge is getting built whether no matter the outcome. Vote “yes” to bring the lift down. Or vote “no” and get development without the lift. Don’t miss this opportunity!

• Pedestrian access to a lift at the bottom of the mountain. That’s another problem the Lift One plan solves.

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• Fifty public, city-owned parking spaces in the garage under the new lift.

• Public lockers and a boot-changing area next to the parking spots.

• Preservation of two historic buildings and the original Lift 1.

Gorsuch Haus will be a hotel. Like the Limelight, Sky and Jerome, it will be an open a welcoming gathering place next to the slope. The alternative is dark, empty townhomes or a giant, empty, single-family home on the same land.

Lift One is the birthplace of Aspen’s resurgence out of the mining era into the skiing era by ski racing pioneers in the late ’40s who had a shared vision of a wonderful place to be in the mountains and great skiing!

This is our chance to bring back the traditions, greatness, joy and smiles when the World Cup comes to town!

Please vote “yes” for Lift One.

David Guthrie


via:: The Aspen Times