Lift One plan is Aspen’s best option

People, wake up! If you vote “no” on the Lift One Plan, you will be voting to privatize Lift 1A forever. Would you really rather see dark mansions built where Gorsuch Haus is proposed, instead of a hotel that will be open to all?

The plan before us in the most publicly oriented plan we could dream of. If we approve Lift One, the new lift will start in a public park that is easy to walk to from anywhere in town. It will be next to a museum honoring our history as a skiing mecca. The old Skiers Chalet Steakhouse will be open for lunch, just like it was back in the day.

The negativity and often factually incorrect comments that are running through our beautiful town of Aspen is something I have never seen before. If I ran the Aspen Skiing Co., I would shut the lift down and see how everyone feels about it. Because eventually it will break down, and there is no plan to replace it without a vibrant base area to support it.

The Lift One plan is well thought out. It has so many benefits for the community and the ski area. Please vote “yes.”

David Stapleton


via:: The Aspen Times