Lift One project a win-win

The Lift One corridor project deserves a favorable vote from Aspen citizens. It is a product of extensive collaboration among Aspen Skiing Co., the hotel developers and the city of Aspen.

Project opponents have supplied some unfortunate misinformation. I am hoping Aspen voters will reflect instead on the long and very careful process leading to this decision point.

The Lift One Lodge has full approvals in place to construct their hotel project. They voluntarily agreed to a postponement for a careful analysis of lift alternatives by an independent third-party consultant and contributed to the cost of the study. That study resulted in a determination by City Council that the lift should be returned to its original base, as close to town as possible. This required significant revisions by both hotel projects to accommodate the lift corridor and associated ski-way. Working in close collaboration with the Aspen Parks Department, a design for the base area was developed to provide a beautiful new park facility complementing the new lift. With an even exchange of land between the city and the Lift One Lodge property, a continuous park has been designed for winter and summer activities. This will result in a park is almost as large as Wagner Park to replace the derelict parking lot and currently fragmented park space.

The new lodges will revitalize an area that has long lost its attraction to all but a few Lift 1A diehards. And there is more benefit in developing a new portal to the mountain. Lodges in the Shadow Mountain and Main Street areas also will experience new vitality with convenient, high-quality access to the mountain. Traffic impacts to the community will be reduced by encouraging more foot traffic to the new portal.

This is the most exciting public-private partnership ever developed in Aspen. The new Lift One Park and Aspen Ski Museum complex will provide year-round benefit to the community and its visitors. Improvements to Dean Street will offer pedestrian and bike-friendly access. It is a winning plan that merits your support.

Stan Clauson

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via:: The Aspen Times