Mail service poor reflection on Snowmass

Snowmass Village resident Thomas Hills’ recent letter about the crisis at our post office is timely (“Snowmass post office delivers bad service,” March 4,

Our U.S. Postal Service branch has had a multi-year history of falling to ever lower service levels. This makes the staff, which is saddled with an impossible mandate, look bad and leaves residents and visitors deeply frustrated. Line-ups of half an hour or more are not uncommon — an atrocious record for any service enterprise. Make no mistake, the people who are responsible for this mess are the area managers, who for years have served up the same platitudes, key among them that it’s hard to find people in this valley. Give me a break: How can so many quality enterprises in Aspen and Snowmass recruit decent staff? It’s because management actually tries.

I think the USPS needs a shake-up, and I’d like the Snowmass Village Town Council take a lead in engaging them. Councillors: You cannot pretend that ours is a world-class resort and let this go unchallenged. Talk to the numerous hospitality enterprises in our community, and they’ll all tell you that countless parcels destined for resort visitors are delayed, lost or returned to sender, due to poor handling. Talk to your frustrated citizens, too; I promise you’ll get an earful. Please understand that all of this reflects poorly on Snowmass Village, whose functionality, appeal and destiny you are mandated to protect.

Again, don’t let the USPS management sidetrack you in debates about staffing issues. The frontline people handling the Snowmass Village post office are doing what they can — under very difficult circumstances. The problem is a hopelessly bureaucratic and incompetent management structure.

Peter Cavelti

Snowmass Village

via:: The Aspen Times