Make room for Thanksgiving dinner at Basalt Turkey Trot

The third annual Turkey Trot will be held in Basalt at 9:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

The event, known as the Basalt Gobble Wobble 5K Run/Walk, is a fundraiser for the Basalt Elementary School Parent Engagement Group.

The registration fee is $20 per adult and $10 per child or there is a family registration for up to five participants for $50.

Registration is available online at

Registration is only available at the race start site after 6 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

The run and walk will start and end at the Basalt Elementary School campus. There will be a 1-mile course as an alternative to the 5K.

Strollers are welcome on either route but pets and bicycles must be left at home. Costumes are encouraged. The top three finishers will receive a pie for their Thanksgiving dinner.

Organizers stressed that the event is a “fun run” and non-competitive. They do not have sophisticated timing system for exact tracking.

The event has blossomed into one of the biggest fundraisers for the parent group.

Last year, each grade level as well as special teachers in areas such as art, music, gym and STEM were given funds to use for supplies not covered by the school district. Funds were also used to make Teach Appreciation Week special, with recognition going to teachers with five years of service and more.

Tracy Sgroi and Linda Conseugra have headed the Parent Engagement Group for about four years. People who cannot make the Turkey Trot can donate to the PEG at

via:: The Aspen Times