Memorial Day thanks

I want to thank and recognize the folks who made the Memorial Day observance in Aspen a very special day.

Brandon Blocker and KSPN for the air time, thanks. Louis Swiss for the gratis coffee and sweets, many thanks. Mark for the set-up at the courthouse, thanks. The Aspen community resource officers for the street closure and no traffic, thanks. Colo Audio Visual Audio and the nice sound system, thanks.

Honor guard Bod Perigo and Palmer Hood, smartly done. Thanks Scout Pack #224 and the laying of the memorial wreath, excellent. Thanks. Nancy Bosshard and the lighting of the candle, thank you. Tom Buesch for the invocation and benediction, thank you.

Gunny Perigo for the history lesson and reading of “In Flanders Field,” thanks. Ryan Gentry for his comments on Memorial Day, thanks. Greg Poschman and the commissioners. Thank you for your efforts. Charlie Hopton and Western Slope Veterans Coalition, good work. Paul Andersen and Huts for Vets, great program. Thanks. Darrly Grob, and the fallen, thanks.

A special thanks to the guests who shared their stories.

Kathy Pelowski and Dick Sundeen, beautiful sounds, Thanks. Elks, great BBQ.

Dan Glidden


via:: The Aspen Times