Mesirow a new leader with fresh ideas

As Aspen residents for 20 years, we’ve noticed that many of the issues debated today are pretty much the same issues that were being debated two decades ago. Whether the issue is traffic, parking, affordable housing, the environment, the retail core or development, these same issues are unresolved hot topics.

Over the past few years, we’ve gotten to know Skippy Mesirow. Skippy has always impressed us with his enthusiasm and fresh ideas on addressing some of these issues that have nagged the Aspen community year after year. Skippy has been willing to tackle tasks that seem daunting at first with a fresh energy that is hard to find in our wonderful community. Skippy has always impressed us as a person who’s willing to listen to differing opinions and build a consensus that solves problems. Skippy also has impressed us as a leader willing to tackle tough issues that need solving regardless of the political consequences or his personal popularity. He offers solutions that will be effective at solving these age-old problems the Aspen community has faced year after year.

This election we have an opportunity to elect a new leader with fresh ideas to help Aspen take the next step forward. We would strongly urge the voters of Aspen to cast their ballot this election in support of a new young leader, Skippy Mesirow.

Lori and William Small


via:: The Aspen Times