Mesirow is best Aspen council candidate, hands down

Skippy Mesirow was, at least to me, an acquired taste. When I first met him, I was not his biggest fan. I found him to be pompous and seemingly disingenuous. This could not be further from the truth.

First impressions are not everything, a lesson of which I was reminded after our first real conversation. An impression I had been carrying with me for many years changed in an instant: It revealed that he genuinely cares a great deal about our community and our town. He has a real interest in learning as much as he can, mostly through listening.

As some of you know, I am Skippy’s girlfriend, which makes me biased; but while being honored with that role, I have zero qualms with telling him exactly what I think. Even when I disagree with him, which happens somewhat frequently, I can say with full confidence that he is absolutely the best candidate to get things done. I have never met anyone who cares as much or has the amazing ability to move mountains when necessary. It’s one of the many reasons I feel immensely grateful to be a part of his life, and why I feel sure our town has a brighter future than ever before. As someone whose future is this town, there is no one I trust more to make that future an amazing one.

My family helped make this town what it is, and its future is something I don’t take lightly.

Nateal Pogliano


via:: The Aspen Times