Missing Mike Goerne

Sadly I was not able to be in town for my friend Mike on Saturday, but he has been in my mind and my thoughts since his unfortunate accident. I coached with Mike for a bunch of years and I learned so much from him. He was a good soul and cared deeply about the young men he coached and all of his friends.

Mike gave so much of his time to make sure Aspen lacrosse participants always had the best coaching and best equipment he could get them. It is rare for a 30-year-old man to give so much of his personal life to the pursuit of making other young men and women succeed at all cost. I had the pleasure of spending a great deal of time with Mike and he became a very close friend who I always enjoyed and respected.

The Aspen valley has lost a great young man, and all of us should always keep him in our heart and minds! I will miss Mike everyday.

Lawrence Altman


via:: The Aspen Times