Money can’t buy happiness, but at least it can buy a ski pass

The author hiking the Highlands Bowl this spring.
Courtesy photo

“What’s your favorite thing about (skiing)?” the stranger posed.

Although likely intended as nothing more than friendly chatter — we were facing each other inside the confines of a bucket, after all, skiing being the only known and obvious common denominator — my reaction was as though he’d asked me to recite a monologue from Hamlet or share my views on the meaning of life.

“What a ridiculous question,” I thought to myself. How is one supposed to reduce something she spends upward of 15 hours a week, six months out of the year, into one singular aspect?

That particular morning was a powder day, so short of a better answer, I responded, “powder.”

After a chuckle followed by a semi-awkward silence, I expanded: “It’s freeing and fun.”

(Fortunately, his next question didn’t force me to admit I use words to form sentences for a living).

While not a lie — skiing is liberating and fun and powder days are considered the pinnacle — I felt guilty for offering such a vapid, incomplete picture — like I hadn’t done justice to skiing and its many forms.

I realized then the many important roles that skiing serves, not only in my day-to-day life, but in my friends’ lives, as well.

Need some alone time in the fresh mountain air? Go skiing.

Want to spend quality time with a friend? Go skiing.

Feel like being social and hanging with friends? Go skiing.

Want an awesome workout? Go skiing.

Feel like escaping from the real world? Go skiing.

Need to be productive? Schedule a gondola meeting — then go skiing.

Skiing can be anything we want it to be and then some, be it a physical, therapeutic, creative, social or productive outlet. What other activities can satisfy and fulfill this many aspects of our lives?

If money can’t buy happiness, as they say, at least it can buy a ski pass.

via:: The Aspen Times