Mountain Mayhem: First of Three Closings

The late, great New York Times photographer Bill Cunningham would have had a field day at Aspen Highlands’ closing party. The fashion, the frolic and the fabulousness — from apparel to attitude — are always the makings of a cover photo shoot, which he would have documented beautifully. The spirit of ski season 2018-19 could be felt across the slopes with parties percolating at the peak of Highlands to the deck at Cloud Nine to the patio at Merry-Go-Round to the entire base from Alehouse to the Ritz-Carlton to Highlands Taqueria and house parties. As “the first of three closings,” according to ski patroller Tim Grogan, this weekend kicks off a trio of memorable weekends at Aspen Highlands, which continue April 19 to 21 and April 26 to 18.

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via:: The Aspen Times