Mountain Mayhem: Love is in the air

The history of Valentine’s Day and its patron saint may be shrouded in mystery, but one thing’s for certain — it revolves around romance and love. Several couples share the ways they’ll spend time together on this holiday.

For Kathy Fry and Brett Beavers of Snowmass Village, “we always renew our Aspen Center for Environmental Studies membership as a tradition and exchange ACES’ hand-made, heart-shaped birdseed Valentine’s!”

Chris Dunaway of Aspen is happy to have his main squeeze Bridget Scrogs in town from Australia this Feb. 14, adding, “You know what’s incredible is that despite living in different hemispheres, we’ve somehow managed to always spend every Valentine’s Day together for three years.” They may miss birthdays and nearly every other holiday so this makes up for it, “especially having scored a late seating at Le Créperie this year, thanks to Raph and Ryan.”

Erik Elliott envisions the perfect dream day with his favorite Valentine of all time, Jamie Fletcher. “Breakfast at home, a few runs on Aspen Mountain before lunch at Ajax Tavern, maybe a mid-day nap, then cooking dinner together at home with a great bottle of wine.” He also adds, “To me it’s more about a day to slow down and really enjoy each other’s company, and spend time with your loved one (or ones if you’re into that sort of thing) rather than the things purchased for or by them.”

For the world-traveling duo of Rickey Gates and Liz Thorp, they say, “Why celebrate just one day when we can celebrate for months and months? We’re traveling throughout Mexico in our little camper car. If we make it to Oaxaca in time for Valentine’s Day, we’ll celebrate with chapulines (grasshoppers) and mezcal. But until then, hands on our hearts, eyes on the road!”

And for Jess and Bill Budinger, who divide their time between the friendly skies, Aspen and the Bahamas, they’ll be “kiting on turquoise waters with sunset margaritas on the beach!”

via:: The Aspen Times