New safety measures for Grand Traverse, other races

The sponsors of the annual Crested Butte to Aspen backcountry Grand Traverse race would like to publicly thank Jeff Edelson, Jeff Krueger and the rest of the team at Pitkin 911 for hosting our communications equipment and antenna at their facility atop Aspen Mountain.

The race is run over 40 miles of wilderness terrain, including crossing two passes, along which there is absolutely no normal radio or cellphone coverage. The organizers therefore build a largely temporary radio network to assure race coordination and safety. For the first time we now have a permanent setup on the Aspen side of the course. This setup will also serve the annual summer bicycle and running races along the same course, and can be used for safety communication for any other activities in the wilderness south of Aspen.

Ashton Lee

Communications director, Grand Traverse Race

via:: The Aspen Times