No decision made about dogs on new Snowmass Village trail

This map shows the new Hawk Ridge Trail (yellow) that would go around the Mountain View housing complex and connect the Rim Trail (purple) to the Mountain View Trail (red).
Town of Snowmass Village

The new Hawk Ridge Trail is about 6 weeks away from opening, and the question of if dogs will be allowed on the quarter-mile connecting trail in Snowmass Village remains unresolved.

There were 254 responses to a community survey on the question of if dogs on leash should be allowed on the trail, and 160 of the respondents strongly agree or agree.

The pushback by opposers is how it fits into the master plan in the area. The new trail is being built behind the Mountain View neighborhood and will make a connection between the South Rim and Mountain View trails. Dogs are not allowed at Mountain View housing, and many residents there feel there should not be dogs on the trail.

No decision was made Monday by the Town Council, and they sent the question back to the village’s Parks, Open Space, Trails and Recreation board, which has been reviewing the question this spring. The POSTR board will discuss it again at their next meeting, which is June 26.

via:: The Aspen Times