Outgoing Aspen city manager works way into protected class

The Jan. 28 Aspen Times reported on the separation agreement between the city and City Manager Steve Barwick (“Aspen officials sign off on separation with city manager”). The article notes that the agreement doesn’t bar Mr. Barwick from suing the city for age discrimination and the like.

As I’ve written before, the Aspen Home Rule Charter prohibits City Council from setting a term of years on the city manager’s employment. This must be changed (a public vote is required) so City Councils are forced to make affirmative decisions whether to renew a city manager’s contract. We got into a pickle over Mr. Barwick because successive City Councils were able to kick the proverbial can year after year until, gosh, he’s been here 19 years and he’s old enough to sue over age discrimination if we fire him now. Whoops.

Maurice Emmer


via:: The Aspen Times